Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's not '55, but more flooding is on the way!

Maple and Water, Naugatuck
The corner of Maple and Water streets in Naugatuck at the height of the Flood of 1955 on Aug. 19, 1955.

Courtesy of the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries.

In the late summer of 1955, Connecticut was struck by two successive tropical storms that effectively submerged many areas of the state. The infamous Flood of '55 is still evident in the landscape and still in the minds of most who lived in the region at that time. Lives and homes were lost, businesses were destroyed, and the general infrastructure of dozens of communities was rendered inoperable for weeks.

While the past two weeks have seen one storm after another move through the area, the total rainfall will not match that of '55. However, with many rivers still high, and with the ground still saturated from the winter melt and recent rains, the storm that is arriving tonight is sure to bring the Farmington, Connecticut, Housatonic, and other rivers to flood stage once again.

I will be out and about with the camera for the next several days to document the surge and the ebb of this pending nor'easter!


Szars said...

Copied your post at Naugatuck Cultural Council facebook page with thanks

Szars said...

amazing and educating